It's going to be 3 years soon since the day we got married! Thank god we can still stand each other under the same roof...
In Taiwan, before having a wedding party, people take wedding photos in a studio for memory and will present them to the guests at their wedding party. It's almost like a "must do" thing for Taiwanese people. Especially for most of the bride-to-be, taking beautiful wedding photos is one of the things they are looking forward to the most! They would go for a diet, work hard on caring every inch of their skin...all is for being in the best situation and leaving their most beautiful image in the photos as a good memory when they get old!
However, my water bear is from Japan and Japanese people don't do this. What they do is only to take photos on the actual day of their wedding party.
So when I first told him I want to have some photo shooting in a studio, he said, "No, I don't want to... They don't look natural to I don't know how to smile in front of a camera..."
My mind sinked when he said that...He had no idea how much the photos would mean to me! I can only be young once and those photos will be precious memories forever. He finally promised to join the photo shooting because he still wanted to marry me after all...
So I promised I would find a good photographer and stylist because I didn't want my photos to look as if I'm a different person either...
On the day we went to pick up photos, he said,"Wow! Taiwanese photographer is so good and professional! Those photos are just amazing!"....I told you...一 一+
We were only supposed to pick up 30 photos from 500+ photos, but he kept saying, "No no no, this is impossible. 30 is too few!" We ended up picking up 120 photos and of course...we paid extra.
So what made him change his mind is one of the reasons that I think it's worth to share this fun experience with people.
Picking up Dresses
The store is located in Tainan City, southern part of Taiwan. We went to pick up my dresses one day before the photo shooting. The package price allowed me to pick up 5 dresses in total and those 5 dresses were tailored to fit me before photo shooting, which means it only took 1 day! As for guys, they need to prepare their own suit, 2 shirts in different colors, jeans or any other casual pants, 2 paris of socks (black and white), and black leather shoes.
Entrance of the studio
Once I entered the studio, I felt I was in a fairy tale... high-ceiling decorated by French love love ❤
This is the second floor, where all the wedding gowns were stored.
I spent hours here to pick up my best ideal 5! XD
Those gowns were nice, but not for me...
Photo Shooting Day
We were told not to drink any water 12 hours before photo shooing. The next day we arrived at 7:30am, starting with changing clothes first, and then make up & hair. I am the second from the right in the photo. There were 3 more couples on the same day as well. Hot business!
Even though I had really short hair at that time, they still curled my hair to create volume at the front. They added a small wig on the back of my head, making it look like I had a bun.
Completed! :D I asked to have a simple style, so I didn't even have a necklace on. Less is more! :)
This is one of my favorite photos...many people told me I look like I'm in a cosmetic ad.

The last two pictures above were taken at an old elementary school.

It was interesting when this pictures was taken. The assistant took some of the plants you see in the picture. When the photographer said 123, the assistant started to rub those plants and spread them to fly to my direction.

The last stop was in front of an old door. Tainan city was dominated by Dutch and Japanese people long time ago, so there are many preserved historical sites in this city.
For the last style, I told the stylist I wanted to try smoky eyes and it turned out to be a very different look!
"Chin up! More, more...," my photographer said. He taught people some skills of posing for a better proportion look in the photo.
I like my fingers in this photo.
Memorial Last Photo Shoot!
Completed! :D I asked to have a simple style, so I didn't even have a necklace on. Less is more! :)
Photo Shooting Begins
Style 1
Typical white gown with a rose bouquet
I love the background.This is one of my favorite photos...many people told me I look like I'm in a cosmetic ad.
luxury vintage background
I did't notice that until one of the friends told me I looked like the vase on the piano...
Break Time
When we finished shooting for the second style, it was already noon time. The studio provided some bento boxes for their clients. After lunch, we changed to 3rd style for outdoor shooting.
Style 3
This is my favorite Goddes-like dress. It's so elegant and romantic...
The last two pictures above were taken at an old elementary school.
It was interesting when this pictures was taken. The assistant took some of the plants you see in the picture. When the photographer said 123, the assistant started to rub those plants and spread them to fly to my direction.
The photographer brought us to many locations taking lots of pictures while I was in this dress. I changed to another dress in that old elementary school for continuing outdoor shooting :)
Style 4
It was already 5pm when we reached the beach. It was winter time so the sky was already little dark. The photographer tried to complete shooting before the sun went down.
It's real ocean. This photo was taken with strong lighting to create this effect.
We were in front of a really old rice shop.
The last stop was in front of an old door. Tainan city was dominated by Dutch and Japanese people long time ago, so there are many preserved historical sites in this city.
Style 5
"Chin up! More, more...," my photographer said. He taught people some skills of posing for a better proportion look in the photo.
I like my fingers in this photo.
Memorial Last Photo Shoot!
It was around 7:30pm already when the photographer decided the photos were enough! All of us were exhausted. But it was a fun day and we felt like we were super stars XD
Dinner Time
We needed good food to recharge our energy, so we visited a delicious noodle store in Tainan.
Besides many historical attractions, Tainan City is also famous for its delicious traditional food. Tan-Tsai-Noodle is one of them. This noodle store, called Du-Xiao-Yueh, has hundred-year-old history. The store already existed since Qing Dynasty. It's a must-go store if you visit Tainan!
Du-Xiao-Yueh Noodle Store Information
They have an official website in Chinese, Japanese and English. The history, menu, store information are all included in the website.
Photo Shooting Studio Information
Official Website
Facebook Page
Unfortunately they are both in Mandarin, but as I know, there were some foreign friends really fly to Taiwan and went to the studio to take their own portrait or wedding shots. So if you are interested maybe you can try to call the studio to see if there is anyone who speaks English. Good luck! :)
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